Staying Safe Away from Home
While you are away from home, you are more vulnerable to crime. Unfortunately, you can never know who could pose a threat to your possessions or personal safety. You are therefore recommended to follow the standard safety measures when you are away from home which include:
Avoid carrying around large sums of money, eye-catching jewellery and important papers. The more valuable things or/and money you have with you when you are away from home the greater the risk of becoming a victim of crime.
Be cautious with strangers including those who are asking you for help. Most strangers who approach you do not pose a threat to your possessions or personal safety, however, you simply cannot know whether the person really has no bad intentions because most criminals do not look as criminals.
Avoid walking alone in the dark, especially if you are a woman. Unfortunately, women are at increased risk of becoming a victim of crime because the criminals are aware that there is a high likelihood that they will not be able to defend themselves. But if you have to walk alone in the dark, choose well lit and populated streets.
Avoid potentially unsafe neighbourhoods. If you are not sure whether a particular neighbourhood is safe or not, avoid going or driving there if possible.
Always keep your purse close to your body. You are less likely to find yourself without your purse and valuable contents if you are carrying it close to your body. Pickpockets usually avoid women who look like they will not let go the purse easy as it increases the risk that other people will intervene when seeing a struggle.
Do not hitch-hike and do not take in hitch-hikers. Both hitch-hiking and taking hitch-hikers into your car means driving with strangers which in turn puts you at increased risk of becoming a victim of crime.
Never leave a purse, laptop or other valuable items in your car. It is often the opportunity that makes a thief. A purse, laptop or similar items on the back seats increase the risk of your car being broken in.
Park your car in well lit and populated areas. That way you will reduce the risk of both forced entry and your car being stolen.
Vary routes if you regularly go running or jogging. Criminals rarely wait hidden in the bush for someone to come along. They usually pick their victims in advance and observe them a while to determine their routine. For that reason it is a good idea to vary routes if you regularly go running or jogging to be less predictable. You are also recommended to choose popular running/jogging routes where are lots of people.
Consider taking self-defence classes. If you think that your lifestyle puts you at increased risk of crime, it may be a good idea to consider taking self-defence classes. You will be taught the basics of self-defence and how to react in case of physical assault or attempt of robbery.